Ontology of Philosophy of Law of New Technologies (An analytical and normative study with the criterion of philosophy of method)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Prof., Faculty of Law and Political Science of Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.



Philosophy of law is a science that examines "law knowledge" and "legal research" with an analytical and rational method. This method of parascientific study is the basis for understanding and explaining the dimensions of that phenomenon. The philosophy of the law of modern technologies is a field of philosophy of law that has made the law of modern technologies the subject and focus of study with an analytical and rational approach. The philosophy of the law of modern technologies is a suitable background for the formation of the geometry of the knowledge of the law of modern technologies and research policy in the fields of legal investigations related to law and technology. Therefore, "Ontology of the Philosophy of Modern Technologies Laws" is the title of research whose main issue is to explain the nature and core of the philosophy of modern technologies laws and to lay the groundwork for the systematic formation of the knowledge of modern technologies laws. The present research, using the criteria and literature of the philosophy of method, has studied conceptually the phenomena created by the philosophy of the law of new analytical technologies and the philosophy of the law of new normative technologies. As in completing the course of the research, from the idea of philosophy as a method to the methodology of the philosophy of the laws of modern technologies and the geography of the problems and the structure of the philosophy of the laws of modern technologies have been investigated. Providing a different understanding of the concept of the word philosophy in parascientific philosophies and the formulation of this knowledge with the initial discourse of Muslim philosophers is one of the outputs of this research. The method of this research is evaluation and analytical judgment.


Main Subjects

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