Legal Challenges of Privacy Protection in Smart Cities considering International and Iranian law

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Prof. Department of International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.



With the formation and development of the Internet of Things, the smart city has been manifested as an emerging concept that monitors various aspects of human life and intelligent information processing and control systems. A smart city can monitor the physical world and provide smart services for citizens, transform services such as healthcare, transportation, entertainment and energy and make them available to the government in a new way. The technologies used in smart cities raise some concerns and challenges regarding the security and privacy of citizens because applications in smart cities provide a wide range of information related to citizens' privacy. They collect to meet the interests and benefits of the public, but they also have comprehensive control over the city, and naturally, the lives of citizens will be affected by serious supervision and restrictions. In this article, we identified the international and domestic laws and regulations by investigating books and articles and using the available sources. We examined the laws and regulations in international law and Iranian law regarding privacy in smart cities. The study's most important finding is identifying gaps related to this area in Iranian laws and the need for more speed of updating laws at both the international and Iranian levels with the speed of advancement of technologies used in smart cities.


Main Subjects

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